Refer a Student

Grow the Michigan Public Health online community, together.

Help shape our community and strengthen your professional network by referring prospective students to the Population and Health Sciences online master's degree program.

Use this form to help us to connect with a friend, family member or colleague you think would be a strong match for the online master’s program in Population and Health Sciences.

Please note that fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Although other fields are optional, we encourage you to complete them. You will be notified via email when we receive your referral. We will then send a personalized email message to the prospective student sharing more about the program and let them know you thought they’d be a good fit. If you have any questions about our referral program, please contact

Prospective Student’s Contact Information
How should we address this person?
Referred By
What is your connection to Michigan Public Health? (check all the apply)