Health Care Management

Alex Fox Chicago

Leaps of Faith: A Week in the Life of Master's Student Alex Fox

Alexander D. Fox

Instead of heading for warmer weather, student Alex Fox spent his spring break at the American College of Healthcare Executives Congress on Healthcare Leadership in Chicago. Take a look at his week, and his passion for public health, in his own words.

Elderly person holding stress ball

How Do We Overcome the Burden of Chronic Disease for Older Adults?

Aruna Muthukumar

Over 85 percent of US adults age 65 and over suffer from at least one chronic illness, and about 65–75 percent of those adults suffer from two or more chronic illnesses. How can we manage this burden on older adults as well as the burden on the health care system in cost-effective ways?

Group Photo

Comparing the German and American Health Care Systems

Quian Callender

In March, master’s student Quian Callender traveled to Germany with a group of fellow health management and policy students to learn more about the German health care system and how it compares to the US.