Engaged Learning

Brooke Callaghan

Inspired by Adversity to Create Better Health through Food

Brooke Callaghan

Inspired by her own brush with food insecurity, master's student Brooke Callaghan has committed her education, and her own personal time, to improving food access and trying to combat health risks associated malnutrition.

Katherine Hoffman

Discovering Biostatistics and Its Broad Applications

Katherine Hoffman, MS ’18

Katherine Hoffman was drawn to medicine and health care from a young age. When she realized that biostatistics would let her engage any other field in the health sciences, she decided to pursue it in graduate school and now loves to share the many ways a career in biostatistics can unfold.

Kate Wilhelmi

Supporting Education and Promoting Wellness

Kate Wilhelmi

Kate Wilhelmi started her career in working with students as an educator. Now she’s empowering students on their journeys in public health, and helping them stay fit along the way.

Cindy Le

Motivated to Be the Change

Cindy Le

Inspired by the community that raised her, Cindy Le is determined to help mitigate health disparities in her hometown of Camden, New Jersey, and others like it.