Mental Health

Katherine Hoffman

Discovering Biostatistics and Its Broad Applications

Katherine Hoffman, MS ’18

Katherine Hoffman was drawn to medicine and health care from a young age. When she realized that biostatistics would let her engage any other field in the health sciences, she decided to pursue it in graduate school and now loves to share the many ways a career in biostatistics can unfold.

Cindy Le

Motivated to Be the Change

Cindy Le

Inspired by the community that raised her, Cindy Le is determined to help mitigate health disparities in her hometown of Camden, New Jersey, and others like it.

Kelly M. Bakulski

Frogs, Brains, and Team Science

Kelly M. Bakulski

Taking a broad interest in biology, Kelly Bakulski found herself studying the subject on both the micro and macro scales. As a professor and researcher in epidemiology, she explores the impact the environment and genetics have on neurological disorders throughout a lifespan. Now, her focus on engaged learning and collaboration in the classroom has led her to be named the 2019 Excellence in Teaching award winner.

Daniel Eisenberg

Best Investments, Best Returns: Improving Mental Health for College Students

Daniel Eisenberg

Daniel Eisenberg has spent years researching adolescent and young-adult mental health and sees public health as a leader in improving mental health for entire populations. Now, he and his team are building new tools that prevent and treat mental illnesses and will cost a lot less than individual therapy.

Lilah Khoja

From Syria to Michigan: A Long Journey to Public Health

Lilah Khoja

Lilah Khoja’s path to public health wasn’t a straight one. After completing a degree in international development, she worked in a variety of industries, trying to find the right fit. In her work with Syrian refugees in Turkey, she realized public health was her calling.