Nutritional Sciences

Hollie Kicinski

Analyst by Day, Anthropologist by Heart

Hollie Kicinski, MPH ’17

Anthropology showed her how the human body works in its environment. Nutritional Sciences taught her to interpret and apply data. Now Hollie Kicinski is bringing it all together to improve public health across the state of Indiana.

Kendrin Sonneville

A Clinician's Experience, An Advocate's Perspective: Charting a Weight Inclusive Approach to Health

Kendrin Sonneville

Informed by clinical experience and the perspectives of the advocacy community, Kendrin Sonneville brings rigorous science to the pursuit of more weight inclusive approaches to health. Her work asks how we can promote health in a way that’s independent of body size, and promote health and nutrition without increasing weight bias, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating.

Isa Kujawski

Navy Veteran Pursues Career in Nutritional Sciences

Isa Kujawski, MPH '18

After 9 years of active duty in the US military, Isa Kujawski switched gears to pursue her passion for health and wellness and explore the connections between nutrition and mental health.