
Taryn Gal

Sex, Public Health, and Being Human

Taryn Gal, MPH ’07

Working alongside young people as executive director of the Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health, alum Taryn Gal and her team help ensure young people have access to sexual health services and sexual health education. And she reminds us that we all have a stake in sexual health.

Rachel Jantz

Never Lose Sight of the People behind the Data

Rachel Jantz, MPH ’14

Rachel Jantz has wanted to care for people in her community since she was a child. She discovered in college that she loves data. Public health, specifically epidemiology, brought those loves together for her. As an opioids epidemiologist in Michigan, she works to connect human experiences and data to help people stay healthy.

Khalil Hosny Mancy, professor emeritus of Environmental Health Sciences, lowers an oxygen sensor into the Nile River as it runs through Cairo in 1971.

Healthy Water, Healthy People

Khalil Hosny Mancy

Long before the dangers of global warming were clear to us, public health researchers were pursuing protective measures for our most basic and valuable environmental resources and linking that work to concerns about health equity and environmental justice.

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A Family Passion for Public Health and Service

Lloyd Lyons

Encouraged by family history, Lloyd Lyons’ long-term career started earlier than originally planned as his journey led him to joining the first cohort of bachelor’s students at the School of Public Health.