Health Behavior and Health Education

Photo of Cindi Thronson standing on a path at the Nichols Arboretum in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Take a moment for yourself: Tips for mental wellbeing

Cindi Thronson

Mental health is incredibly important for students, and college students have a tendency of prioritizing everything else above their mental health. Cindi Thronson, a master’s student in Health Behavior and Health Education and a Wellness Coach with the University of Michigan’s Wolverine Wellness, shares some tips for improving your mental wellbeing.

Water trickles out of the end of a rusty pipe

Lead exposure may alter the body's response to stress

Chris Giang and Olivia M. Halabicky, PhD, RN

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan garnered national attention, but there are thousands of cities in the US with even higher levels of lead poisoning. Despite knowing lead is harmful, we still don’t know how lead causes such harmful health outcomes. Identifying potential biological pathways is key for developing interventions to mitigate health risk.

A collage of photos in the shape of a heart.

Reducing COVID-19 Disparities in Michigan with MICEAL

Haley Crimmins

The Michigan Community-Engaged Alliance (MICEAL) is working to address the gap of vaccine and health inequities in Latinx and Black populations in four Michigan counties. Health Behavior and Health Education master's student Haley Crimmins details MICEAL's work.