Food Safety

Childhood photo of the author sitting at table eating a sandwich.

The smallest in the class

Hailey Jurgens

“Growing up, I was always the smallest child in the class. Not only was I short, but I was also thin, sometimes surprisingly so. Doctors were always scaring my parents by telling them that I was falling behind the “normal” growth chart and encouraging them to make me eat more.”

An infant in a high-chair opens his mouth wide as he eats food.

To feed or not to feed? Food allergy prevention in infants

By Kaitlyn Palao

Food allergies are common, and can be life-threatening. When introducing new foods to infants, many believed that delaying the exposure of certain foods may protect infants from allergic reactions, but more recent research points to the opposite.

Farmers in the Andes

Diversifying Agriculture for Healthy Diets

Andrew Jones

Uniform, high-input farms, the hallmark of modern intensive agriculture, have produced an abundance of food unimaginable at the start of the last century. But a healthy diet remains out of reach for billions worldwide.