
Photo of Cindi Thronson standing on a path at the Nichols Arboretum in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Take a moment for yourself: Tips for mental wellbeing

Cindi Thronson

Mental health is incredibly important for students, and college students have a tendency of prioritizing everything else above their mental health. Cindi Thronson, a master’s student in Health Behavior and Health Education and a Wellness Coach with the University of Michigan’s Wolverine Wellness, shares some tips for improving your mental wellbeing.


Is It Safe to Eat Plant-Based While Pregnant?

Elizabeth Baldwin

Maintaining vegan and vegetarian diets has gotten easier as the plant-based food options have become more widely accessible. While plant-based diets can be considered healthy in many ways, vegan and vegetarian expectant mothers may need to be more vigilant in understanding what they're consuming to ensure they're getting the proper nutrition during pregnancy.


Disability justice in public health

Kara Mannor

The passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act was just a first step in a journey toward equity for disabled communities. PhD student and disability advocate Kara Mannor describes how the disability justice movement can help institutions rethink a better future for research and health for people with disabilities.

Two cows graze in a pasture on a sunny day with no clouds.

How public health can fight the climate crisis

Trish Fisher

Trish Fisher, a dual degree Master of Public Policy and Master of Public Health student, details her research on agricultural methane policy and the role that public health can play in championing strategies to support climate change mitigation.