A cardboard sign that says

Public Health's Role in Addressing Racism

DuBois Bowman

A new year represents an opportunity for change and growth. This is a critical moment in which our nation has turned its attention to racism and pledged to address long-standing inequities in our society. Those of us in the field of public health can and should be leaders in these efforts.

Smokestacks shooting steam into a morning lit sky.

The Hidden Pandemic behind the Coronavirus

Sarah Javaid and Kathleen Lindsey

Sarah Javaid and Kathleen Lindsey take a look at some of the positive and negative impacts on the environment that have happened due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Katherine Hoffman at her desk in the biostatistics and epidemiology division at Weill Cornell Medicine.

On the Sidelines: New York's COVID-19 Outbreak from the Eyes of a Biostatistician

Katherine Hoffman, MS ’18

It's March. An early-career biostatistician at a large medical facility, alum Katherine Hoffman is living through New York City’s explosive COVID-19 outbreak. As the statistician for a pulmonary and critical care team, she is quickly pulled into COVID-19 work. Her hospital is running out of ventilators. She is told to drop all other research projects for COVID-19 work. This is her story.