Infectious Disease

An empty street in Amsterdam due to the spread of COVID-19

What US States Can Learn From COVID-19 Transition Planning in Europe

Holly Jarman, Sarah Rozenblum, and Scott Greer

Two months after a rapid rise in coronavirus cases spread throughout Europe, many European governments are planning to reopen their economies. What lessons will we learn from Europe's example? Two professors and a PhD student from Michigan Public Health take a look into the possibilities.


Older Americans Are Risking Coronavirus Exposure to Get Their Medications

Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher and Sarah Vordenberg

It’s been nearly a month since the US government began urging older Americans to stay home to avoid exposure to the new coronavirus. That means many older adults may be running out of their usual 30-day supplies of medication. As the pandemic continues to spread, they increasingly face a difficult challenge: how to get the medications they need without putting themselves at risk.

People holding a sign that says

Coronavirus and Immigration: ICE Reductions Are Too Little, Too Late

William D. Lopez and Nicole L. Novak

In the face of decades of mistrust and fear, the operational changes proposed by ICE are paltry. Now more than ever, say Lopez and Novak, is the time to prioritize human dignity and public health and to allow immigrant communities to shelter safely in place.