PHAST administers community assessments in eastern Kentucky

PHAST administers community assessments in eastern Kentucky

Students gain valuable experience in region devastated by extreme flooding

The University of Michigan School of Public Health’s Public Health Action Support Team was deployed Sept. 6-9 to eastern Kentucky after the region endured devastating flooding in July. PHAST collaborated with the Kentucky Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in administering two Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response to gather household-based information on the needs of the community.

Bowls of food in a garden, including peppers, cucumbers, and carrots.

New Fellowship to Support Transformative Food System Studies

A new fellowship from an interdisciplinary group of schools, colleges and programs at the University of Michigan will assist an incoming group of master’s degree students who plan to study food systems. Students who are part of the Transformative Food Systems (TFS) Fellowship will study methods for constructing transformative food systems that are equitable, health-promoting and ecologically resilient.

Beth Brines uses technology on campus to connect with global partners

Remote Global Health Internship Is Not an Oxymoron

Q&A with Elizabeth Brines

Global internships this summer were rather different from what students might have envisioned. With a creative spirit, adaptable skills, and a passion for moving public health forward, Michigan students spent their summer months connecting with and learning from a variety of global health partners.

People running on a track.

Disordered Eating in Female Athletes Fueled by Body Image Ideals, Coach-Athlete Power Dynamic

New Research from Traci Carson, PhD '21

A new study shows that body-image ideals and the power dynamic between coach and female athletes may contribute to an athlete’s risk of disordered eating and body image disturbance. The research of current and former female NCAA Division I female distance runners highlights the importance of prevention and intervention programs to migitage eating and body image disorders.