Mental Health

stressed older woman staring through blinds

Growing Life Expectancy Inequality in US Cannot Be Blamed on Opioids Alone

New Research from Arline Geronimus

A new University of Michigan study challenges a popularized view about what's causing the growing gap between the lifespans of more- and less-educated Americans—finding shortcomings in the widespread narrative that the United States is facing an epidemic of "despair."

elderly person in care of medical staff

Statewide Dementia Coalition Co-Chaired By Scott Roberts Issues New Roadmap to Make Michigan 'Dementia Capable'

Scott Roberts, professor of Health Behavior and Health Education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, has been appointed co-chair of the Michigan Dementia Coalition (MDC). The MDC is a statewide group of >120 individuals from approximately 65 organizations that works to identify opportunities to improve quality of life for Michigan residents with dementia and their families.